?Sharing is caring!?? Glad that I have trained them on sharing food since young #SharingIsCaring – ?: @furtographysg www.petception.com corgi,fluffbutt,stumps on stumps on stumps,obsessive corgi disorder,corgiaddict,the ORIGINAL corgi addict,accept no substitues...
How Artists Change the World: They find ways of REPURPOSING THE LITTER BOX. Just like these clever cats. Watch video:… www.petception.com cat,cats,kitten,kittens,funny cats,funny photo,funny...
Bacon: Heh heh heh, someone pooped at Petsmart and mommy had to clean it up. ??? www.petception.com corgi,fluffbutt,stumps on stumps on stumps,obsessive corgi disorder,corgiaddict,the ORIGINAL corgi addict,accept no substitues...